
有声书 | British and American Festivities 欢乐洋节日06



British and

American Festivities



 Gina D.B. Clemen

往期回听 | The Story of Pocahontas

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British and American Festivities 06


Chapter Six: New Year's Eve


On 31 December everyone celebrates the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.


In Scotland New Year's Eve is called Hogmanay. It is the most important celebration of the year. In Edinburgh there is an immense① street celebration on New Year's Eve.


In America and Britain many people like going to parties or organising them in their homes. Some people prefer to celebrate in restaurants or night clubs. Young people celebrate at home or at a disco. Others go to masked balls② in costumes and masks. Everyone takes off their mask at midnight.


Cheers③, noise, music, dancing, colourful decorations, festive food and drink are all part of New Year's Eve. People like throwing confetti④ on the last night of the year. People wear their best party clothes on this exciting night. At parties everyone wears funny paper hats and blows toy horns⑤. Parties usually begin after 9 pm and continue until the next morning. At midnight everyone joins hands and sings the old Scottish song "Auld Lang Syne."


Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

For the sake of auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear.  

For auld lang syne.

And we'll take a cup of kindness yet.

For the sake of auld lang syne.


In New York City a favourite place to go on New Year's Eve is Times Square. At midnight the words "Happy New Year" appear on an electronic sign⑥. Bells and sirens⑦ ring, people cheer and there is a lot of noise.


In London many people go to celebrate in Trafalgar Square. Everyone in Britain waits for Big Ben to strike midnight. Then there is a lot of noise. People sing "Auld Lang Syne", kiss each other and cheer.


When we make a lot of noise on New Year's Eve we are following ancient traditions. Ancient civilizations⑧ made noise to frighten evil spirits⑨ of the past year.


On New Year's Eve the Americans and the British make New Year's resolutions or promises. They promise to get rid of⑩ bad habits during the new year. Some typical children's resolutions⑪ are: "I resolve to do my homework" or "I resolve to clean my room every day". Children write down their New Year’s resolutions, sign their name and give the paper to their parents.


Some typical adult's resolutions are: "I resolve to stop smoking" or "I resolve to go on a diet⑫". Most people don't keep their promises⑬, but a few do! In some American cities office workers throw their old calendars out of the office windows on 31 December. They are throwing the old year away. It is incredible⑭ to see so much paper flying about. By 5:30 pm the streets are covered with office calendars.


At the end of the year astrologists⑮ predict the future for all the signs of the zodiac⑯. Some astrologists predict catastrophic⑰ events.


① immense:巨大的。

② balls:舞会。

③ cheers:喝彩。

④ confetti:五彩纸屑。

⑤ toy horns:喇叭。

⑥ electronic sign:电子标牌。

⑦ sirens:汽笛。

⑧ civilizations:文明。

⑨ evil spirits:邪恶的灵魂。

⑩ get rid of:除掉。

⑪ resolutions:决心。

⑫ go on a diet:节食。

⑬ keep their promises:遵守承诺。

⑭ incredible:不可思议。

⑮ astrologists:占星学家。

⑯ zodiac:黄道带。

⑰ catastrophic:灾难的。


◆ 资源 | 小猪佩奇 中英文动画+绘本合集

 资源 | 漫威英雄电影系列

◆ 资源 | 奥斯卡最佳动画长片合集

◆ 免费领取丨《走遍美国》全78集(MP4视频+中英字幕+MP3音频+LIC字幕)

 合集 | Peter Pan (彼·得潘) 

◆ 合集 | 美国英雄 (Davy Crockett)

◆ 合集 | 美国传奇故事 (附音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | Zorro (附电影音频文本资源)

图片  |  网络

编辑  |  孟一凡





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